Course Description

Islamic legal theory, or uṣūl-al-fiqh, forms the backbone of Islamic jurisprudence, providing the framework for understanding and applying the principles of Islamic law. This course offers an introduction to these foundational principles, essential for anyone seeking to grasp the intricacies of Islamic legal reasoning.

Students will explore the methodologies and sources that underpin Islamic jurisprudence, including the Quran, Sunnah, consensus (ijmāʿ), and legal analogy (qiyās). By examining these core sources, students will understand how legal rulings are derived and applied within the Islamic tradition.

Course Details:

Tuesdays, Thursdays

Time: 11:35 am - 12:15 pm CST

September 16, 2024 - December 20, 2024

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Your instructor

Talha Waseem was born in Binghamton, NY and moved to Buffalo, NY at the age of 11, where he enrolled in Darul Uloom al-Madania to begin his Quran memorization. Upon its completion in 2011, he enrolled in the ʿĀlim course at the same institute and graduated in 2018 from its branch in Chatham, ON (Canada). Talha Waseem’s passion for Islamic jurisprudence drove him to apply at Darul Iftaa Chicago to specialize in the field of issuing legal verdicts (iftāʾ) under the tutelage of Mufti Abrar Mirza (may Allah ﷻ accept and reward him).

Talha Waseem graduated from Darul Iftaa Chicago in 2020 and co-authored al-Aqwāl al-Rājiḥa fī mā Khālafa al-Ṭaḥāwīy Abā Ḥanīfa as part of his thesis. After graduation, he moved back to Buffalo where he served as a full time ʿĀlim course instructor at Madinatul Uloom before relocating to Lombard, IL and joining the DarusSalam team.As an educator in "FQH 102: Usul-al-Fiqh: Foundations of Fiqh," Mufti Khan is passionate about bridging the past with the present, demonstrating the vitality and relevance of Islamic legal theory in modern context. His teaching philosophy is grounded in the belief that a solid foundation in the origins and methodologies of Fiqh is essential for the cultivation of informed and thoughtful practitioners of the faith. Mufti Khan's enthusiasm for the subject is contagious, and he is committed to inspiring a new generation of scholars and jurists who are as deeply connected to their heritage as they are adept at navigating contemporary issues through the lens of Usul-al-Fiqh.